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CMI Networking Blog

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Claudia Fernandez

Why are Autonomous Vehicles the Future?

Autonomous vehicles are the newest trend within the IoT industry . It is not a surprise that now we will have vehicles that can operate and deliver without the need of human interaction. It has been ever more apparent that the IOE (Internet of Everything) is the future way that all devices will be somewhat managed.
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The complexity of the Multi-Cloud: A productive or counter-productive business model?

It is evident that many companies are switching to the Cloud at a very rapid rate. This is due to the tremendous benefits it brings to a company including cutting costs. It is depending on the industry and sector that the corporation operates that will determine whether a multi-cloud would be more suitable. However, we should explore further some of the drawbacks that multi-cloud might bring in order to analyze whether you should move your business to a multi-cloud business model.
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