Global Network Resources

Enterprises Can Return to Work without Fear - the post-pandemic workplace

As companies wrestle with the decision on how to bring their employees back to the workplace post-pandemic, executive leaders must have a clear and intentional plan. This is a struggle for both the enterprise and its staff members since we all have to adjust to a new way of executing our daily activities and tasks.
The majority of individuals want their businesses to have their usual working supply flow. However, this can be challenging considering the COVID-19 situation all around the world. The sooner we all get back to work in the office, the better, however, it is arguable whether post-covid19 working environments will ever be the same.
The pandemic has made us realise and re-consider our hygiene levels in many places and situations of daily activity and life. It is crucial to be cautious regarding our hygiene levels, these include maintaining a very clean living/working environment, constantly washing your hands and avoiding contact with others. These have been the main three pillars to avoid transmission of the virus.
Not only hygiene levels will be increased and closely monitored post-COVID, but many consumption activities regarding goods/services that everyone used to indulge in might change drastically. Some examples include our entertainment choices, our meal choices and the list goes on. Currently, everyone is very cautious regarding every aspect of daily life, and this might create distrust towards others and society in general. Perhaps this ‘distrust’ generated can be eased by products and services that increase the sanitization and hygiene levels, thus incrementing the safety measures.
From a corporation’s points of view, due to the change of many aspects of consumer behaviour, it is very probable that new methods of B2C and B2B interaction will be re-structured. Different forms of internal and external communication will need to be adopted to ease the disruption of their business models. Technology has been advancing very rapidly to meet the needs of businesses and individuals to ease the transition from the pandemic to the ‘new way of life’.
Due to the coming of the ‘new normality,’ it is very probable that new methods of communication will need to be adopted to ease the disruption of the corporation’s business models. Technology has been advancing very rapidly to meet the needs of businesses and individuals to ease the transition to the ‘new way of life’ that many of us are experiencing.
The optimum roadmap for many enterprises is to opt for alternative options to speed the supply chain in order to meet the standards or even surpass the standards that the normal office-work days brought to the table. For instance, the Dynamic Acceleration Network ‘CMI Multi-Cloud Accelerator that integrates Routing, Protocol and link optimal technology. It can offer optimization and acceleration for customer’s applications and services. Other solutions that will help increase the productivity of daily activities since face-to-face interaction is not the best option include the usage of the following videoconferencing tool: zoom, Webex, Microsoft teams, ViLin.
Not only will businesses need to restructure their methods of delivering their goods and services amid this pandemic and even post-pandemic, but many people are concerned when they step out of their own homes. Many are worried if the person standing next to them is infected; there is a lack of trust in our community. This can ignite less motivation to go back to work in the offices and a lack of the pressing of that restart button for many companies. In order to prevent this lack of trust in many communities and to build trust between the members of staff, thermal solutions and many diverse solutions for enterprises can be integrated to increase the trust to return to normal working environments without fear.
To learn about all the iSolutions there is on offer, please click here: pandemic solutions.
CMI Acceleration Network has 30 days free trial! Learn more about the products here and check out the promotions via mCloud portal here.

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